Riders of the Week

It's a big weekend for bikes, buds, and baes with the Marathon Crash and Valentine's Day on Sunday! Lucky for us, we've got four new Riders of the Week to fly us into the festivities. @Brenanhorn enjoyed the first days of Summer (that's right, we skipped Spring completely) out here in LA, @pokilovesme picked herself up a brand new Delta, @denicefreigeist hit the brick streets on her Romeo, and @linares_21 and his crew took their riser bars literally!


They've already won our hearts, but now they're also all in the running for February's Rider of the Month title and all the goodies that go along with it. Ready to take your shot at the crown? Go take and tag those #purefix pics for your chance to be featured right here and claim all the fame, glory, and valentine's cards that you deserve.

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