Beat the Heat

With the weather heating up and Bike to Work Day/Week/Month right around the corner, more and more people are leaving the car at home and heading out on two wheels. So where are all the exhausted, sweat-soaked cyclists? In today’s post we’ll tackle the secrets to beating the heat, so you can enjoy a spin in the sun without all the suffering!

Sun Protection

Nothing will keep you out of the saddle like a sunburn, and skin cancer’s no fun either. When it comes to riding in the light of our local star, be sure to slap on the sun-protection. Slather on some sunscreen before you head out (dermatologists recommend SPF 15+) and bring the bottle so you can reapply if your ride lasts more than an hour or two.


When it comes to clothing, synthetics are the best! I love my natural fibers but, if you’re looking for something breezy that wicks away sweat, you want to don something a bit more technical. Cycling jerseys and active wear that use man-made materials to maximize your chill are where it’s at. The one exception being merino wool, which is both natural and unusually comfortable on a hot day. Just ditch the cotton tees in the heat, they’ll get sweaty, clingy, and uncomfortable in no time. (And don’t forget to work in some shirt-free days to even out that farmer’s tan. It’s swim season again!).


Don’t hit the road without hydration. Nothing works up a thirst like spinning in the sunshine, and you won’t want to dehydrate while your miles from home. Be sure to pack enough water for your ride or at least bring enough to get you to the next park, school, etc… where you can top off that bottle.


And when the sweaty-season rolls around, nothing’s as liberating as getting that gear off your bod. A bike bag, basket, or rack will let you haul your goods right on the bike and that means no more backpack weighing you down or smashing sweat into your shirt. Summer’s the perfect time to experiment with on-the-bike storage and, once you’re used to riding unburdened, you’ll probably find yourself sticking to it year round.

And that’s it! Stay cool, stay hydrated, and enjoy the sunshine! We’ll see you out there.

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