March Madness!

Are you guys as into the whole March Madness thing as we are? We hope so, because we have one heck of a contest planned! Check this poster out. Gives all the details! Anyhow, here's how it works:

By now, we hope you've liked us on Facebook and followed us on Twitter and Instagram. If not, click those links and get to it! Anyway...To enter, use hashtag #purefixNCAA on Twitter or Instagram with the 4 teams you think will be in the Final Four. First one to get it right gets a $100 gift certificate to the site!

Didn't get 'em all right? No worries. 3 out of 4 will get you $75 off a bike of your choice and 2 out of 4 will get you $50 off! So that we can afford lunch tomorrow, we'll randomly pick three 2nd place winners and three 3rd place winners so keep those guesses coming!

Our vote? Badgers, of course! On Wisconsin!


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