How to Install a Bike Basket

If you want some tasteful totage on those two-wheeled errand-runs, there's nothing as sleek, simple, and cycle-y as a basket! In today's post we'll walk through the super-speedy installation, so you can ditch the rucksack and start rolling in style - let's dive in!

What You'll Need


Now this one's super easy. If you passed Getting Dressed 101: Intro to Buckles, Buttons, and Snaps, you've already got all the knowledge and tools for the task!

Begin by opening the leather straps on the bike-side of the basket.

Slip the straps over and around your bars, centering the basket over the front wheel as much as possible for balance.

Tighten the straps until everything's snug, and then buckle those puppies back up.

And that's it.

Seriously, you're done!

Hit the road for a test ride. Make sure everything's staying put and won't surprise you with a shift when it's loaded up, and you're ready for your first haul!

Your back will thank you for losing that shoulder bag, and your bike will thank you for making it even more bike-y! We'll see you out there.

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