Rider of the Month: June

Lady Liberty's one year older today, but she still looks as young as ever! The steady supply of #purefix photos has kept us feeling fresh too and we've got a brand new Rider of the Month to celebrate!

We put all of June's best pics head to head, and you picked your fave! This time it's @mrbrownblood who's taking home the gift card and the glory, with this snap of his Echo somewhere over the rainbow.

How's that for a post-holiday pick-me-up?

And if you're ready to get into the action yourself, do it! July's already sneaking by, all you have to do is take and tag your best #purefix pics for your chance to be in the running for the next ROTM title, prize, and the adoration of fixie fans everywhere!

Check out the rest of June's nominees below, find your bike-spiration, and hit the road! We can't wait to see what you come up with.


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