Riders of the Week

The holiday may have made it a short work-week, but there was no slowing down the avalanche of amazing #purefix pics, and we've got four brand new Riders of the Week to celebrate!

@nikonovakseniya and her X-Ray rode their way to some sweet street art, @photolexx and her Crosby got posey in front of a clean slate, @vidasobreruedas and his India got off the beaten path and wandered through the woods, and @rossalanreclaimed hit the road with the whole family on a pair of city whips!


They've each earned a chance to win July's coveted Rider of the Month honors, and there's still time for you to get into the game as well! Just hit the road, take and tag your best #purefix shots, and hopefully it'll be your bike shining in the spotlight next week!

Have a terrific weekend, we'll see you out there!

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