Riders of the Week

The asphalt's officially too hot for footwear, so riders all over the world are hopping into the saddle and the amazing #purefix pics just keep rolling in! We've got four fresh Riders of the Week to celebrate, so let's get right to it!

@Sarahmargera got giddy on her new Victor out in NC, @louis_uljee_jr toured some sweet LA street art on his Original Series, @tayflay caught her X-Ray looking super photogenic kitted out with a crate, and @axelvermeulen posed with his ride outside the mobile "tempel of love".



They're all nominated for July's Rider of the Month contest, and you can be too! Just hit the streets, take and tag your best #purefix shots, and hopefully it'll be you we're all admiring right here next week!

Happy riding!

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