National Bike Challenge

In case you missed it, May is National Bike Month and that means the start of People for Bikes' National Bike Challenge! The annual event tracks the trips and mileage from riders all over the country with the goal of getting more people on bikes and turning out useful data for advocates, cities, and national transportation efforts.

People for Bikes has partnered with a bunch of cool companies so there’ll be monthly giveaways and raffles for participants to earn great stuff just for riding bikes! Plus, you can join teams to rep your city, school, workplace, etc… and ride for bragging rights. We’ve got our Pure Fix Cycles team all set up and we’ll be doing our own giveaways too, including tee shirts for the top monthly riders throughout the challenge, so join us for a chance to win!

Register for the challenge right here! Once you’ve signed up, join the Pure Fix Cycles Team, and let’s stack up those miles!

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